Drooping Tree Pear

A glossy light green cactus with a yellow flower


Scientific name: Opuntia monacantha


  • Grow 2 to 3 metres high
  • Glossy light green pads, 45 centimetres long, 15 centimetres wide and 1.5 centimetres thick
  • The upper segments tend to droop
  • Yellow flowers 6 centimetres wide with red markings on the back

Weed status – restricted invasive category 3

Includes weeds, pest animals and noxious fish like gambusia, dingoes and yellow crazy ants.

You must not distribute this restricted matter.

Due to its potential to cause serious economic, environmental or social harm, these weeds are regulated by Council.

We have an annual inspection program for properties in Logan.

Council has the authority to issue a Biosecurity Order to properties with category three restricted matter.

Control method

Manual Removal

Manual control uses hands or hand tools to control weeds.

This can be an effective control as it can minimize soil disturbance and can instantly remove the entire weed.

Herbicide warning

Before using any herbicide always read the label carefully and ensure that the chemical is registered for use on the target weed. All herbicides must be applied strictly in accordance with the directions on the label.

More information

Drooping tree pear