We aim to achieve value for money through our procurement process. We also aim to maintain integrity, transparency and accountability.
Our goal is to spend public funds in a way that provides the best value using a best-practice approach to procurement.
We aim to support our local businesses and always give fair consideration to each quotation or tender they submit.
Strategic contracting procedures
Council has resolved to apply strategic contracting procedures to its contracts from 1 March 2022 as per Chapter 6 – Contracting, Part 2 Strategic Contracting Procedures of the Local Government Regulation 2012.
Strategic contracting procedures allow Logan City to take a strategic approach to procurement and contracting activities by identifying potential opportunities whilst managing adverse risks.
The procedures support Council to formulate a portfolio of procurement and contracting activities for at least a financial year. The procedures consider the strategic implications of each activity and both support and align with the strategic direction of the City's Corporate Plan.
For more information, please download:
Sound contracting principles
In accordance with the Local Government Act 2009, we must consider these principles in our procurement process:
- value for money
- open and effective competition
- the development of competitive local business and industry
- environmental protection
- ethical behaviour and fair dealing.
Procurement expenditure thresholds
Expenditure amount |
Procurement process |
$0 - $50,000 (excluding GST) |
Council will procure low value goods and/or services by sourcing a quotation (or quotations) from a local business in the first instance. |
$50,000.01 - $500,000 (excluding GST) |
Council will source a minimum of 3 quotations only from local business in the first instance. Quotations must be invited through VendorPanel.
$500,000.01 - $2,000,000 (excluding GST) |
Request for tender or expression of interest. |
$2,000,000 + (excluding GST) or greater than 10 years |
Request for tender or expression of interest and a significant contract plan. |
Procurement processes apply to the total expected value of the service. For example, if we are contracting for a service to be supplied over five years with an expected value of $125,000 (excluding GST) each year, the service has a total expected value of $625,000 (excluding GST) and we must invite a request for tender.
Method of procurement activities
Council officers will identify the suitable way to procure the goods, services or works needed. Depending on the expenditure thresholds, we may use:
- Request for quotation (RFQ).
- Request for tender (RFT).
- Expressions of Interest (EOI).
- Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) Local Buy arrangement, or other Government arrangement.
- Sole supplier, specialised, technical or confidential arrangement.
We may enter into a contract with a nominated supplier without inviting quotes or tenders if we decide that:
- there is only one supplier available to supply the goods or service due to the specialised, technical or confidential nature of the goods or service, or
- it would be impractical or disadvantageous to invite quotations or tenders.
Engaging local businesses
We introduced a Buy Logan Policy in February 2019 to highlight the importance of supporting local businesses within Logan. The Buy Logan Policy now includes a range of initiatives to assist Council staff when engaging with local suppliers and businesses.
The new policy includes seeking quotes from local suppliers to including a mandatory Local business tender weighting for all future tenders.
We use VendorPanel Marketplace to engage with local businesses and with the open market. Using this website gives small to medium businesses better access to procurement opportunities.
We access VendorPanel Marketplace when:
- there is no preferred supplier arrangement in place
- the intended costs are below $500,000 (excluding GST).
VendorPanel Marketplace gives businesses an opportunity to have their goods and services seen by us. It is free for businesses to register and is easy to use.
For more information, please email us at corporateprocurement@logan.qld.gov.au or call VendorPanel on 03 9095 6181.
Advertising tenders
When we expect to spend more than $500,000 (excluding GST) in one contract, we must invite tenders, except where the Contract Manual allows for an exception.
Advertised expressions of interest and tenders are available on VendorPanel (Please use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or FireFox to open the VendorPanel portal). Businesses looking for opportunities to do business with us are encouraged to:
For further information, please email the Corporate Procurement team at tendering@logan.qld.gov.au.
Supplier information sessions
We host information sessions for businesses wanting to supply goods or services to us. These sessions are a great opportunity for businesses to find out:
- how we procure goods and services
- ways to maximise business opportunities with us.
To register you interest, please email us at corporateprocurement@logan.qld.gov.au