Disabled toilets at Middle Green

Principal petitioner Astrid Raines
Closing Date 26 November 2021
Number of valid signatures 58
Status of ePetition

This ePetition was referred by Councillor Willcocks to the Ordinary Council meeting held on 8 December 2021.


The following resolution was endorsed:


That the petition titled 'Disabled toilets required at Middle Green', as attached to the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 8 December 2021, be received and referred to the Director of Community Services for further investigation and preparation of a report to a future City Lifestyle Committee meeting.


Petitions express the views of the Principal petitioner and may not represent the views of Council.

Middle Green Sports Club is a community club that has been located at the Greenbank Recreation Reserve since 1973.

It was created by the Beaudesert Shire Council and then changed with Council amalgamations in 2008 to an asset of Logan City Council. Since this time the building has been neglected by Logan City Council and is at end of life and now is in need of disabled toilets to accommodate the customers and patrons who frequent the restaurant and the club.

The lack of disabled toilets and initial design of the building is not user friendly to disabled persons or those with mobility issues.

Patrons would like to see measures installed and the building upgraded to make their lives easier and to avoid embarrassment due their disabilities or mobility issues. Council needs to take responsibility for their amenities provided in these older buildings.