Community input

In 2020, we asked the Yarrabilba community to tell us their needs and what they want to see in the new community facility. We had a great response to our community survey receiving a total of 121 responses, with 57 responses from the community survey and 64 responses to the youth survey.

You can view a summary of this engagement in the Engagement summary (PDF 242 KB).

We also met with community groups, received feedback from local youth services and spoke to young people directly about their needs. 

Young people we spoke to would like to see more opportunities in Yarrabilba for:

  • sport and recreation
  • visual and performing arts
  • informal places to relax and share food, and 
  • computer gaming and coding. 

The wider community, including community groups and services, would like to see:

  • youth training programs
  • safe spaces and programs
  • events for young people, and
  • support services and counselling. 

We also received feedback about how to design the facility to be welcoming and functional. We have used your feedback to design and deliver a facility that can respond to community needs as Yarrabilba grows.

Between September and October 2021, we engaged with the Yarrabilba community to help determine a name for the facility. We undertook a Have Your Say survey, a community engagement session at the Balls and Beats event on 16 October 2021 and a student engagement session.

The Have Your Say survey was open from 11 to 31 October 2021. We received 119 responses with 74 percent of responses from those living in Yarrabilba.

The feedback from the community showed us that:

  • including ‘Yarrabilba’ in the name was important
  • the location should be included in the name
  • the facility should be easy to identify
  • the name should avoid duplication of other facility names
  • the name should reflect a feeling of safety
  • it should bring the community together

Based on analysis of community feedback, the facility name is The Buzz at Yarrabilba.