Eco Logan environmental events

Banner image showing group of people hiking outdoors with one person pointing up at a tree, a small child looking through a magnifying glass at a beetle and a woman and child watering a newly planted tree

Connect with nature and learn about the City of Logan’s natural environment

Eco Logan is a program dedicated to fostering environmental stewardship within the Logan community.

Through a range of educational workshops and nature experiences, Eco Logan aims to build environmental knowledge and deepen connections with Logan's natural environment.

Ready to make a positive impact in our local environment? Check out our calendar and participate in environmental events and citizen science activities. There are events and activities for everyone!

An adult using binoculars

Eco Logan events calendar

Check out upcoming Eco Logan environmental events and citizen science activities

Eco Logan events calendar
Phone with a nature background

Agents of Discovery

Play, explore and connect with nature using this free educational mobile gaming app

Agents of Discovery
Woman holding a book kneels beside a young child holding a bug catcher

Events and citizen science activities

Book online to connect with nature and learn about Logan’s natural environment

Events and citizen science activities
Group of people paddling kayaks in the water hold onto each others kayaks and form a circle

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Stay up to date with Eco Logan

Want to become an Eco Logan event provider?

Are you an environmental workshop or event provider? We are looking for providers who want to make a difference in Logan’s community and its natural environment.

Please email us at