Eco Logan Go Green for June Challenge

Challenge yourself by taking part in our 30 days of environmental actions. By doing one or more actions from the calendar below, you are connecting with nature and showing your love for Logan’s natural spaces.

Take an action and share a snap with us for a chance to win $50!

Enter the competition by sharing a photo of any action you have taken from the Go Green for June calendar for a chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card (Terms and conditions apply).  View our Facebook page to see the competition post and simply share your photo in the comments. Every photo you share is an entry. View the competition terms and conditions.

Download the Eco Logan Go Green for June calendar (PDF 3.23 MB).

Children looking into a rock pool with adult instructor

Krank green events

Krank green events
A woman smiling and tending to a garden

Green living ideas

Green living ideas