Be part of the solution to plastic pollution 8th June 2024

A blue and grey and white and black keep cup in front of a person making coffee


8th June 2024


Logan City



About this event

Be part of the solution to plastic pollution and choose to refuse single-use plastic.  

Start taking small steps in June to make a big difference during Plastic Free July. Try switching one of the top 3 single-use plastic items we use each day:

  • Refilling water bottles instead of using disposable ones.
  • Remembering to bring your own cup or dining in for coffee instead of using takeaway cups.
  • Switching to reusable containers or wax wraps instead of plastic wrap.

Ready to take next steps and want more ideas, visit Plastic free July

Want to learn more ways to reduce your waste going to landfill? Discover more about recycling in Logan, see Recycling.

Categories: Go Green for June - Environmental - Eco Logan

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