2024 City of Logan Safe City Awards Nominations

This year for the 2024 City of Logan Safe City Awards there will be 3 different categories. You may choose only one category to nominate in.

Categories are as follows:

Category 1 – Safer Community Places and Spaces

Nomination for the development or modification to a community place or space, incorporating Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.

Category 2 – Innovation in Community Safety / Crime Prevention (online and / or in person)

Nomination for the development and delivery of a program/initiative using an innovative approach or delivering an innovate solution to enhance community safety and crime prevention within the City of Logan.

Category 3 – Collaboration in Community Safety / Crime Prevention (online and / or in person)

Nomination for a community safety/crime prevention initiative designed and/or delivered collaboratively, evidencing coordination across multiple organisations or groups, to maximise positive outcomes for the City of Logan community.